What Do You Desire In Your Career?
Those who read the book or saw the movie “The Secret” will understand the power of the law of attraction and how it draws objects of desire and the people who desire them together. The law of attraction enables us to attract everything we think, believe and desire because the universe we live in wants us to be happy and wants us to receive it. We all possess the tools we need in order to achieve what we want in our lives through our pure power – our perception, will, imagination, memory, reason and intuition. All of these tools are within us, we just have to use them.
How does it relate to the law of attraction?
The law of attraction is a combination of physical & non-physical (cosmic) world. What we perceive as matter in the physical world is made out of atoms and those atoms are made out of energy. When we look through a microscope, we see that everything around us is moving – energy. As human beings, we create a higher energy through our mind since we think on frequencies. Have you ever wondered why you’ve sometimes felt a big urgency to contact somebody and when you did, you found out that this person was urgently awaiting your phone call because she needed to talk to you? This is because you felt the vibration of her thoughts, which made you make that phone call. Our thoughts create vibrations, which lead us to take actions and actions bring results.
What does it have to do with you and your career?
Well, you are what you think and you act according to your thoughts. Your thoughts are coming from two sources: a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. Our sub consciousness mind is full of beliefs we hold about ourselves which we have collected throughout our lives from our family, friends, teachers, personal experiences etc… Often, we don’t even realize what we think, speak and believe about ourselves until we consciously start being more aware of ourselves.
As a child, if you always heard that you were slow in thinking or not very smart, then it’s likely that you began to believe this to be a fact and continue to hold onto this belief about yourself. As a result, you will attract people, situations and experiences that reinforce the belief as the truth.
As a HR Professional, I am often asked about career growth: But how can I get this job? The greatest advice I can share is to have faith, believe in yourself and be open to changes and challenges. In other words, face your fear and you will get there. No doubt about it! If it excites you and scares you at the same time, then it’s the right choice.
What are the steps to move ahead and get your dream job?
- Get to know yourself – start to notice the thoughts you regularly think and the comments and words you speak about yourself and others. Are they positive or negative? What beliefs do you hold about yourself that are not necessarily true or, are not serving you well as you work towards this dream role?
- Make a firm decision that you really want to go after your dream job and stick to it. Expect only what YOU desire. The universe will deliver to you only what you desire, not what your family, friends or partner told you you SHOULD desire.
- If your vibration is positive, in other words, if you ONLY think positive thoughts, you will feel good about yourself and your life and as a result, you will attract experiences and people into your life that will lead you through a path and enable you to receive what you want.
- Have a strong belief that you will get the job, start to see yourself achieving it through your imagination – visualize it and it will happen.
This is indeed a familiar theory to those who studied positive & cognitive psychology or mental training. Or as Steve Jobs said: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever”
Enjoy the journey and believe in yourself!
Zuzana Schwalb
Source: The Secret, Rhonda Byrne 2006; Proctor Gallagher Institute